Welcome to the website of Scott McLauchlan from Canberra, Australia. As you can tell there's really not much here yet. In fact I set up this site quite quickly when I discovered that my old, 90's era home page, that I still had availble at http://mclauchlan.site.net.au/scott/home.html (where I had moved if trom it's original home at http://www.canberra.edu.au/~scott/home.html after I left the University of Canberra) had been taken down. If for some reason you're interested in a very old website featuring out-of-date Doctor Who and 8-bit Commodore computer content, you can now find it here.
If for some reason you want to get in touch with me I do have Facebook and Twitter accounts. I'm not very active on either, but if you contact me via those accounts I should get back to you eventually (although considering what a garbage fire Twitter is at the moment, Facebook is probably a better bet).