Scott McLauchlan's Home Page
Welcome to my home page here at the
Client Services Division of the
University of Canberra. There is a little
information about me available here, if
you're interested.

There is a great deal of information about Doctor Who
available on the Internet. I would like to concentrate on
Doctor Who in Australia. If you are looking for more
general Doctor Who information, check out Siobhan
Morgan's excellent
Doctor Who home page, the main Doctor Who
FTP site, now at
(replacing the old FTP site at, or the newsgroup
rec.arts.drwho. Available here is a brief history of
Doctor Who in
Australia , and a list of Australian
Doctor Who Web sites. The
Doctor Who Club of Victoria has an excelent
list of Australian
Doctor Who fan clubs.
With the recent release of The Ice Warriors set (which is excellent,
go and buy a copy), I was a little disapointed to discover that the CD
containing the sound track on the missing Episodes 2 and 3 did not come with
a proper cover, but only has a flimsy plastic sleeve protecting it. It was
easy enough to get a proper hard plastic "jewel" case for the CD, but it
didn't look very good without a cover. I therefore decided to make one using
a scan of the cover of the booklet that came with the set, and a publicity
photo. I was so pleased with the result that I've decided to make it
available here for personal use only (i.e. you're not to make any money
by selling it). Please note that there is no attempt being made to
superscede BBC Worldwide's copyright, I simply wish to enhance the (already
excellent) set.
Front 444K JPEG |
Back 315K JPEG |
I realise that the files are very large, but they are scanned at 300DPI. If
you have a major problem downloading something that big,
e-mail me, and I'll send
you a copy at a lower resolution.
Finally, you may like to visit my
Doctor Who
Picture of the Month page, including links to previous months pictures.
As an interesting aside, my Picture of the Month page received its 1000th
hit (since I started counting) on November 23rd, 1995, the 32nd
anniversary of the first transmission of Doctor Who.

I'm interested in good old 8-bit Commodore computers (especially the
Commodore 128). These computers are probably the best programmed
computers in the world. Commodore programmers have made (and are
making) these humble machines do things the Commodore designers
never even dreamed of.
I have archived all the available issues of
Commodore Hacking here.
This excellent on-line magazine has been running since 1992, and is an
invaluable source of information on the more advanced aspects of Commodore
programming. Issues up to and including Issue 9 were originally
downloaded from
Marko Mäkelä's Commodore
WWW site in Finland. I downloaded Issue 10 as plain text from
the newsgroup comp.sys.cbm and translated to
HTML myself. Issue 11 and onwards are from
Jim Brain's
excellent Commodore WWW site (currently undergoing rennovation).
I have archived them here because the link between Australia
and Finland is slow and seemingly unreliable, and the link to the United
States is overloaded. If you're from Australia
or New Zealand you will probably find it easier to download them from
here. If you're from Europe or the U.K. Marko's site is probably your
best bet. If you're from the United States Jim Brain's site is the best place
for you to download them from.

You may like to check out some information on the Electronic
Frontier Foundation's efforts to protect free speech on the Internet, in
particular their Blue Ribbon
Campaign for On-line Free Speech. If you live in Australia and think
this sort of thing doesn't effect you, think again. According to a
report on the 15th of May, 1996 on Triple J radio legislation that was
proposed for the New South Wales parliament would have made anything rated
MA15 or above (such as
Duke Nukem and
Doom II)
illegal on the Internet! Fortunately an sudden, uncharacteristic
attack of sanity overcame the Attorneys-General from around the country
the A.C.T. Attorney-General), and the New South
Wales Government was convinced
to defer introduction of it's frightening legislation to regulate service
providers on the Net. For a little more information on this
draconian proposal, and details on a campaign against it, check out the Electronic Frontiers Australia home page.
Last modified: January 7, 1999