Well, if you think I was slack last time, when it took me six months to update this page, I'm not sure what to say about the fact that the last update to this page was almost two years ago. My only real excuse (and it's not a good one), is that my son David has been taking up a fair bit of my time over the last five months.
Anyway, just in time for the 40th Anniversary, here is a the thumbnail for this months' Doctor Who picture (a 178K JPEG).
As you may have guessed, it's the cover of the March 1983 issue of Computer & Video Games (just a bit early for the 20th Anniversary). It included a listing for a Doctor Who based game that you typed in (for those of you too young to remember, in the 70s and 80s you could buy magazines with program listings that you could type in to your computer, which was a cheap way of getting (often sub-standard, but occasionally quite good) games). Believe it or not, it looks like C&VG still exists!
As a bonus for today, 23 November 2003, here is an extra picture, Andrew Skilleter's artwork for the 20th Anniversary story, The Five Doctors (a 167K JPEG).
If there is anything you would like to see on this page, e-mail me and let me know what it is, and I'll see what I can do.
Picture last changed: 20th & 23rd November 2003.
Contact sheets of previous pictures from 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 are available.
And now, a word from our sponsor...
If you are looking for Doctor Who videos, one of the best places on the 'Net to find them used to be
I don't usually link to commercial sites like this, but I've been so pleased with the service from Sendit.com that I think they deserve a plug. I've ordered literally hundreds of pounds worth of videos from them and had virtually no problems. They also have a Doctor Who zone, which, as well as having information on every episode, also lists all the spin-offs and documentaries available, not to mention recent and upcoming releases.
However, you may notice that I said they used to be a great place for Doctor Who videos (by videos I mean VHSs). Sendit.com (who for some reason changed their name from the much cooler-sounding BlackStar) have recently deleted most of their Doctor Who videos - the only titles they still list are Death to the Daleks, The Ambassadors Of Death, The Invisible Enemy, Invasion Of The Dinosaurs, The Mutants, Meglos, and The Horns Of Nimon. They do, of course, stock the full range of Doctor Who DVDs. The DVDs genrally cost £14.99 (about $37 Australian). If you're in Australia you're probably better off getting the single DVDs locally, (from somewhere such as The Doctor Who Club of Australia, EzyDVD or The ABC Shop). However, the double DVDs (The Curse of Fenric, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, The Seeds of Death and The Dalek Invasion of Earth) work out cheaper from Sendit.com, even after postage costs from the U.K.
If you are after VHS videos The Doctor Who Club of Australia still have a pretty good range available.
Sendit.com and the Australian retailers sell PAL format videos and DVDs. Sendit.com's DVDs are only guaranteed to be Region 2, but as far as I can tell the Doctor Who DVDs also work in Region 4 (vice-versa for the Aussie retailers). If you live in the United States or Japan you will need a multi-format VCR to view the videos and a multi-format multi-zone DVD player to view the DVDs.
This page has been accessed
times since 13th September, 1995.